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Auto matid BMW 7. seeria E32 1986-1994 jaoks

The BMW E32 is a car produced by BMW in 1986. This car was presented as the successor to the E23. When the 12-cylinder version of this car followed in 1987, many automotive journalists were so impressed that they spontaneously called the car "best passenger car in the world," which of course drew comparisons mainly with that other great German limousine, namely the Mercedes S-Class. The second 7 Series was available with normal and long wheelbase for extra legroom in the rear. Do you have this car and want to complete the picture with a nice set of car mats
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6 toodet

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6 toodet

Ülaltoodud esemed saame tarnida BMW 7. seeria E32 1986-1994 jaoks. Matid on täpselt kohandatud ülaltoodud auto jaoks. Me näitame sobivust juba artiklis piltide all. Kõik automattid on varustatud kinnitusmaterjaliga, mis muudab nende kasutamise ohutuks. Erinevate omaduste puhul on teil ka palju valikuid, nagu vaiba värv, äärise värv, rohkem või vähem matte jne....

Sobilik autodele:

  • BMW 7-seeria 1986
  • BMW 7-seeria 1987
  • BMW 7-seeria 1988
  • BMW 7-seeria 1989
  • BMW 7-seeria 1990
  • BMW 7-seeria 1991
  • BMW 7-seeria 1992
  • BMW 7-seeria 1993
  • BMW 7-seeria 1994
E32 1986-1994
E32 1986-1994